Russians named the ideal type of housing

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The majority of Russians - 68% - prefer the country format of housing: a private house, cottage or townhouse. In fact, no more than 30% of citizens live in such real estate, according to a survey of 1.6 thousand Russians.

According to the study, the main type of housing in the country remains urban apartments - they are home to about 64% of households. Only 28% of respondents called a city apartment an ideal home. Another 4% of respondents live in dormitories, and no one considers this format of accommodation ideal.

Research data show that only 8% of Russian families living in individual houses would like to move to a city apartment. 59% of households are interested in moving from an apartment to a private house. 21.6% of them consider for themselves the option of improving housing conditions in the three-year term. The main obstacle to moving is the lack of funds, this was stated by 72% of respondents who are considering moving in the next three years and whose income is not lower than average.

The study notes that sympathies for urban and Suburban lifestyles correlate with the characteristics of the area in which the family lives. So, residents of cities with millions of people most often call a city apartment ideal for themselves, less often this option is chosen by residents of settlements with a population of up to 100 thousand people.

Certain correlations are also observed with the age of families: Russians aged 35-59 are most interested in the country format, and households aged 18-24 and 60 years and older are most interested in the urban format.

At the end of last year, it was noted that in 2020, the volume of individual housing construction in Russia increased sharply. In November 2020, 4.2 million square meters of residential housing facilities were built in the country, which is 42% more than in 2019.

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