Price per 1 square meter of Moscow realty is to make up 81.4 thousand rubles

In accordance with the bill published by the Regional Development Ministry the average market price per square meter is to make up in the first quarter of 2012 year 81.4 thousand rubles.

Herewith one square meter of Moscow real estate costs in the end of 2011 year 77.5 thousand rubles. Average market price for realty in Moscow region is to make up in the beginning of the next year 44.2 thousand rubles per a square meter.

Roughly the same price is estimated for real estate in St. Petersburg, it makes 44.85 thousand rubles per one square meter. In the end of 2011 year the price of one square meter was estimated in the amount of 30 thousand rubles on average.

Experts expect that next year the price will increase to 31.3 thousand rubles.

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