Moving to Moscow with Landmark agency - easy relocation to Moscow

Moving to Moscow is not a simple process. Landmark Real Estate Agency offers a full complex of services on Relocation to Moscow. For a long time we have such clients as embassy workers, managerial employers, famous foreign and Russian companies employers, diplomatic representatives, and also private persons.

For a long-term operational experience we are well familiar with all difficulties of process of Relocation to Russia, we know how to make this uneasy business by the most comfortable, and we offer our clients the program on resettlement and adaptations to new conditions in Russia. Preparation, the organization, coordination and professional support — are the basic components of process of Relocation to Moscow.

Relocation to Moscow with Landmark real Estate Agency is easy!

Relocation Program icludes:

  1. Planning and discussion of newcomers relocation (move to Moscow) with HR department.
  2. The analysis of the market of the inhabited real estate, the help in definition of parameters of search and the budget, we give analytical reports on a situation in the market of the real estate. 
  3. Presentation of a complex of services and apartments in an electronic kind. 
  4. Carrying out of familiarization rounds across Moscow are special programs for our corporate clients, i.e.: acquaintance to types of habitation, areas, an infrastructure; to the medical centers, schools and kindergartens; trading and fitness centers, the international cultural- entertaining clubs for adults and children. 
  5. Individual selection of objects of the real estate according to the conditions approved by the Company-employer. 
  6. The organization of temporary residence (an apartment for short terms of rent). 
  7. Negotiations on preparation of the Contract of lease/rent on behalf of the Client. 
  8. The help and assistance in the settlement of questions with owners of habitation during validity of the contract. 
  9. Granting of necessary printed booklets in English (Guidebooks and cards) and other necessary information. 

The Technical help:

  • The help in purchase and rent of furniture, the organization of delivery and assembling when you move to Moscow.
  • Services on transportation of furniture by means of our partners — by the professional on Moscow and for/from borders.
  • Emergency repair work (24 hours per day).
  • Operating repair.

The personal help:

  • The help in selection of the personnel for family while you are Living in Moscow (the nurse, chamber, tutors, etc.).
  • The help in a choice of school for children, excursion on schools.
  • Excursions on Moscow and its sights by means of our partner — the professional.
  • Selection of hotels for animals.
The migratory help:
1. Coordination of process of reception of notices on arrival/departure.
2. The help in registration of motor transport.

We discuss with our clients every occurrence. In case you have any question regarding relocation to Russia – do not hesitate to contact your personal broker, we shall always be glad to advice you on Moscow life peculiarities. Moving to Moscow with us is really agreeable process! Landmark Real Estate agency team helps to make your whishes come true!

Call us or click to order callback: +7 495-792-59-49.
Tags: moscow, moving, relocation
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