According to experts, prices for real estate in Russia continue the residual correction. Average rate of nominal prices reduction are 0,1-0,12% on condition of practically zero inflation. The period of active price reduction came to the end. But experts suppose that prices are not enough low.
For this reason, according to Rosreestr, in Moscow in September, 2009 there were made 18% less deals comparing with September, 2008, when the crises had started. In the majority of cities in Russia weekly change in prices for real estate didn’t exceed 0,1% (both in increase and decrease).
The average level of price decrease in Russia was 0,2 %. The maximum price growth was fixed in Samara – by 0,2%. But we should mention, that last week there was registered predominance of macroeconomic factors, enforcing probable prospects of real estate prices increase in Russia.
Among the major factors are: growth of stock indexes, strengthening of national currency, stability of prices for oil, growth by 13,9% of GDP in the 3rd quarter of 2009 year comparing with the 2nd quarter.