Moscow authorities plan to accomplish the reconstruction of Pushkinskaya square and Tverskaya zastava in 2012-2013

According to RIA Novosti, in 2012-2013 it is planned to accomplish reconstruction of Pushkinskaya Sq. and Tverskaya zastava, which are the part of the project “Bolshaya Leningradka”.

The realization of the project started in 2006. Moscow deputy mayor Vladimir Resin says that “in 2010 there will be fully opened the traffic from Manezhnaya sq. to Moscow Ring Road. In 2012-2013 the works will be accomplished in the Belorussky railway station area and in Pushkinskaya sq. area.

He adds that the works are carried out according to the schedule and will be accomplished by the time fixed. The Project “Bolshaya Leningradka” includes road reconstruction. In accordance with the plan the highway from Moscow centre to Moscow Ring Road will be without traffic lights. The increase of traffic lanes quantity will double the traffic capacity.

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