Experimental complex with walking area located on the whole 2nd level will be constructed on the intersection of Fonvizina and Dobrolyubova streets (North-East Administrative District).
The owner of the project is “Novoye Koltso Moskvy” company. Community council for formation of architectural appearance of the capital under Moscow mayor has already adopted the corresponding authorization as the official site of Moscow Stroycomplex informed.
The project combines the construction of multifunctional living complex in which the 2nd floor will be designed for recreation. There are will be shops on the ground floor and there is to be constructed a walking greenery area on the first floor.
Thus, the 2nd floor with the height 4,5 meters will compensate the minor total area of the yard and the lack of greenery. Multifunctional high-rise living complex on Fonvizina st. will be situated on the lot with total area 0,95 hectares.
The total area of the complex is to be 68,000 sq. meters. The building is to comprise 3 living blocks: 24-stored, 29-stored and 34-stored and underground garage for 620 cars. All the 486 apartments will be granted for the dwellers of the tumbledown housing stock of the North-East Administrative District.