According RIA-News Nedvizhimost Moscow real estate authorities worked out new measures on revelation and prevention of law breaking in Moscow realty market. Specialists claim that apart from traditional measures the complex of integrated measures will be applied.
Experts explain that all the concerned authorities will be urgently notified of law breaking and will get the possibility to take reaction measures in the limits of their competence. Such tactics will bereave the law infringers of the possibility to take part in realty business.
The Head of Real Estate Inspection Valery Zheglov suppose that the law breakers will have the only one way out: “to eliminate the law breaking and its consequences, to reimburse the damage or to be deprived of the lease agreement”.
This approach will be applied mainly to the people committing grave law breakings: the ones in ecology sphere which entail the harm to life and health of citizens or causing economical damage to the city. Integral approach is to make obvious such law breakings to the each citizen.