According to the analytical researches published in RBK-Nedvizhimost web-site, prices for apartments in the West of Moscow are approximately by 26% higher than in the East. The average price per a square meter in the Western part is 180 957 rub, in the Eastern – 143 795 rub.
As is generally known the price policy depends on such factors as prestigeousness and popularity. Indisputable leader is the Central area of Moscow, afterwards goes North-Western, Western part and South-Western Moscow areas: 157 172 rub per 1 sq. m, 180 957 rub. per 1 sq. m и 162 347 rub. per 1 sq. m respectively.
The cheapest realty is offered in South-Eastern, Eastern and Southern Moscow (139 591 rub per 1 sq. m, 143 795 per.1 sq. m and 148 705 rub.1 per. sq. m, respectively).
Besides experts adds that average price for one-room flat in Western area cost about 7.2 million rub, while in Western area apartments of such level cost about 20% cheaper, -about 5.7 million rub.
Two-rooms in the North of Moscow cost 17% cheaper than in the South of Moscow (9.6 million rub. and 7.9 million rub, respectively). Three-rooms in the western part of Moscow are twice more expensive than in South-Western Moscow.