Zaryadye — the main present to Moscow people for 870 anniversary


Park Zaryadye was inaugurated last Sunday on September 9th, 2017. It is a fabulous park which is to become a new symbol of Russia.The project is not estimated as a new landmark of Russia both by the project authors and the guests considering this place just to be a good architectural project and cute public space. But indeed the park is to play a role more important – it will change the image of Russia.

Today the main symbols of Russia are Red square and the Kremlin. Any foreign journalist’s story is shot on the Kremlin background. All the developments happening in Russia, Moscow always are tagged with the Kremlin picture. The Kremlin is a visual symbol of Russia. The word “Kremlin” even is a synonym to official Russian authorities.


The only problem is that there are very few vista points on the Kremlin from public spots. Where one can take a beautiful Kremlin panorama? There are points from Moskva and Balchug hotels but common people have no access to these lookouts. The most popular are the views from Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge or at least from Red Square. Postcard views are very popular from these landmarks. These are official viewes which haven’t been changed for decades: granite blocks, manicured lawns and trees along the Kremlin wall. Each detail emphasizes the importance of the place.

And now we have a silver birch forest, piece of tundra land, huge meadow just next to the Kremlin. Zaryadye gifted to Moscow people and tourists unique sceneries, incredibly interesting and vivid.

This place should be full of life as this place will provide foreign newsmakers with new type of Moscow image: amidst birches and pines. There will be life as tourists will take photos on the meadow and this picture considerably differs from traditional park – it is an image of Russia.  In a while the world will see Moscow differently. 

Zaryadye is an incredible concentration of life in the little piece of land beneath the Kremlin walls. Cold, heavy granite Moscow will turn into vivid, open young city where it is not just allowed to walk on the lawns but where it is the must to enjoy walking on the lawns.

A little of history...Initially authorities were to build on the place of Zaryadye parliamentary or business centre. But architects and activists insisted on constructing a park on this lot. And they convinced the officials to build a park un this very place and in 2012 there was opened a competition on the best project of the park. As there were no criteria the projects turned to be quite strange and all 118 were refused. The chairman of jury V. Logvinov even threw a joke that the competition gave the idea what there shouldn’t be in Zaryadye. Just have a look at a few projects.

Project of multifunctional complex: 


Project of the park with exotic plants:


The second competition was conducted in international format: 90 applications from 27 countries were considered. Among the finalists were the projects:

Project TPO Reserv, Russia


Project MVRDV, the Netherlands


Project Gistafson, Great Britain


Project Turenscape, China


The results of the competition were announced in 2013. It was agreed to build the park on a joint projects of several architecture studios at the head of American bureau Diller Scofidio + Renfro.


And here is the forest beneath the Kremlin walls! Here are the new views on the Kremlin!

Here is a huge meadow. In the meadow the guests can have a rest, play…you know, walk on the lawns! And here are the greatest views on the Kremlin.

Mature trees are planted in the park.


The high point of the park is the floating bridge.


The unique shot – empty bridge. You will never see the bridge that deserted.


It just feels like being under the middle of the river. The views are fantastic! 


Crowded bridge.


The Kremlin panorama.


The best place for sunset shots.


Underpass to Moskva-river embankment.


The Park.



Vivid embankment. It used to be deserted recently.


We have a life here now.


The park is till under construction, it will be completed in a year.


There are new views on the preserved churches. Before they were visible only from Varvarka Street.



The Meadow.



The park imitates wild nature and people are walking amidst the plants.


Media center.


The model.


Ice caves.


All the plants have trilingual plates with descriptions.


Welcome to the best public space in Moscow just beneath the Kremlin walls!

Source: varlamov

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