The best Moscow public space is to be opened in 2 days!


The park is closed for guests for the time being but it will be opened on Saturday. Now thousands of robot hardware machines directed by Moscow City-planning Policy and Construction Complex are finishing the lawn, cleaning paving slabs and put the finishing touches to all the subtle things by the grand opening ceremony. But one can already have an idea what will the park look like by the project transfer. Park Zaryadye turned out to be just so fantastic! In 2 days it will be the best space in Moscow. 

But Facebook users have already passed a sentence to the project. 


It is all started when Russian journalist Dmitry Olshansky had a boat trip on Moskva-river and took a photo of fabulous floating bridge. 

"This very object which our gorgeous city administration is now constructing next to the Kremlin, Red Square and St. Basil's Cathedral.

Walk 300-500 meters from the Kremlin and there will be this object. It is called the "floating bridge".

So it going to float along with the so-called "park" of concrete. On the territory of the park they will build  a hotel, a concert hall, an artificial tundra and God knows what else.

Why not?”

But let’s agree with famous Moscow blogger and photographer I. Varlamov who consider Park Zaryadye to be the best thing that ever happened to Moscow architecture recently. He is really happy that despite of all the old fuddy-duddy yells and screams the project has been materialized. It was really hard as from the very beginning they were going to build residential premises, office and shopping buildings.  

It was a miracle to have this golden mile next to the Kremlin fight off the commercials planning to use it for profit-making activity. The next step was to fight the land off the hicks going to embark on some tacky ready projects like below: 

Indeed they were going to built such a shame. However, the authorities succeeded in holding international competition providing the best world architects participation. And the Americans won. And Moscow park Zaryadye is designed by the same guys who created the project of the best ever public space High Line park in New-York. And it took place in the midst of anti-American sentiments when so called patriots were going to throw the foreigners away and to fail the American project. And finally the project was fight off those patriots and the project was started. And the project was implemented almost as it was initially conceived! It is just a chain of incredible miracles. 


And this background to the development is not less important than the result. As we haven’t in Russia that much miracles for ages. Definitely something used to start going wrong on some of any project stage. 


And definitely Zaryadye will become a new Moscow landmark. There will be lots of tourists in the park. This landmark will get media coverage. The project is unique for us and it is the first time when the bar for architectural project in Russia is raised that high. And it won’t be easy to implement any shoddy project as any city mayor of any Russian city going to build a public space will be questioned “Have you ever been to Zaryadye?”.

As well it is a real gift to photographers cause Zaryadye has terrific views on the Kremlin. 

Come and make sure on Sunday that Zaryadye Park is the ever cutest space in Moscow which will be the point of pride of Moscow locals. 

Source: varlamov

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